Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Imagining Passenger Experiences


It's the start of the second term and the beginning of Book 2. Good luck!

This term will be discussing the different stages of the passenger processing. We start today with passenger experiences.

Tell us about a time you have travelled by air. Write about any problems you have had at any step of the process before/ during/ after the flight.



  1. Every person when travelling must face problems before, during or even after the flight. The problem I faced was before departure which caused another problem at the airport we used as hub to go to our destination.

    We were going to Beirut using Etihad Airways via Abu Dhabi international Airport. So we had to stop at Abu Dhabi airport for a couple of hours until our flight to Beirut. Our flight to (Auh) was supposed to be at 5:30am, and the flight to (Bei) supposed to be at 9:00 am. A problem accured in our airport (Doh) which the flight had to be delayed. We were already at the concourse area so we couldn’t go out. We had to stay until 7 or 7:30 am in Doha and then flew to Abu Dhabi. We mentioned that we will be using Abu Dhabi Airport as a transfer point. We were worried about our luggage how they will be able to take it from one craft to another in short time. We arrived in Abu Dhabi at 8:10am. We had about 50 minutes to go to the other flight. The Supervisors at the airport helped us reaching the other flight on time and told us that our luggage was taken quickly and securely to the aircraft.

    At last we entered the aircraft and flew to our destination safely and we had a special service from the crew because of the problems which accured while using their flight and airport.

  2. Last year when I was traveling to JADAH with Mohammad and Nawaf in the summer, we had a very bad experience in the airport. The first problem we had was when we just arrived at the airport Mohammad had forgotten his passport I was very angry with him and at that moment I wished he had not come with us. We went to Mohammad home and we took his passport we drove very quickly back to the airport. Next we went through the check in desk we left our baggage and we didn’t have time to eat or drink anything in the concourse we went directly to the gate and we almost missed the flight.

  3. Hello,
    Ten years ago I traveled to New Jersey in US. I traveled with the airline of British Airways and I had a lot of problem with the airport
    First of all, when I was at the airport I had to wait at the checking desk for a long time for my turn. Then my turn came and I’ve got my boarding pass. Then I want to the concourse aria and waited there. Than I‘ve gutted on the plane to go to my seat but there was someone was setting in my seat so then fly attendant gave me the seat next to the passenger that sat on my seat.

  4. Hello,
    Every person when he travel can face different kind of problems. Last year I was travelling with my friends and we were going to London and we was happy because in was a first time we travelling together. We arrived to the airport 2 hours before our trip but when we went for check-in and they checked my passport and one of my friends they told us too of you can not travel, because you do not have a visa or it is expired something like that I can not remember and they told us two of you must go back to the embassy, because they call them and they say it was our mistake.

    After that we decided to go back to the embassy to make a new visa and the other travel and two of us go back and make a new visa and travel after five days when the visa was ready and they apologias for that and gave us first class tickets, first we were upset but after that when we came calm down we think nothing we can do.
    Before I finish , this thing I can’t forget the customer services tried to help us as must they can.

    Finally, we went to our friends and have a nice time.

  5. Two years ago I was traveling to Egypt with Egypt Air. I was traveling with my family in summer. We had to book a ticket two months before. When we arrived to Doha Airport everything was ok and we finished the processing very fast. The bad thing that happened when we were waiting in the concourse and it was too crowded and noisy.
    After boarding we waited until last bus arrived because we don’t like the congestion in the bus, but it’s delayed. The aircraft wasn’t full and there were many chairs to seat, but it was too hot and they didn’t switch the AC on until we took off.
    When we arrived to Egypt Airport we find everything easy and we finish the processing fast while, there were long queue. The reason why we finished everything fast that because the friend of my father was working there. But we waited for half an hour to take our luggage from the baggage handling system.
    When we came to customs desk they asked for money to let us take our luggage without paying taxes, but we didn’t pay anything.
    It was bad journey and it was my last trip with Egypt Air. And I hope they improve their airline in future.

  6. Last year I went to Bangkok with my friends in the summer break, we had some problem with the plane when we arrived in the airport the plane was flown away. The flight was at 8 pm so we prepared our baggage. The day before the flight they send us a message that the flight was delayed two hours, so we went there the before flight time by hour to check-in. When we checked in that told us the flight has flown. We went to see the manager to talk with him then we told him about what happened, but they say that our mistake then my friend phoned someone because he know that person will help him. Then we wait for half hour someone came and talked with the manager, than they gave us new tickets for the next day and they booked for us in the hotal.

  7. Any passenger when he or she travel it might be has some problems that faced before, during or even after the flight. For example, overbooked flight and having to wait to other board that available flight. Also the problem that I faced was baggage transfer.
    In my last flight, I travelled to Emirates. When I back to Qatar I was waiting for my luggage then h wait I saw a lot of luggage but I cant find my bag I was so sad because I cant find it. After that the security came , and then I told him about my problem he so kind and he helped me to find out my bag we went to the lost baggage place, this place for lost luggage for the passenger. However we looked for all bags and check them. When I looked I found my bag and I became happy because it was seems to me it same my bag that has same color and same design, but when he opened it wasn't main><.
    He told me these are all the luggage that lost from passengers. Then I said to him " I will give all information about my bag and I wish to find it ".Also I gave him some information about my that he could connect with my.
    After two day I wait then wait , my phone was ringing. The security told me that he found my bag.
    Finally, I went to the airport to get my bag from the lost luggage. I hope next flight I don’t to face any problem again.

  8. Problems happened everywhere that is why we must have plan b or at least a solution.
    I remember my family decided to travel to Paris, my dad has already booked six tickets before one month of the flight. And before a day of the flight we were getting ready, the baggage ready and everything, but my dad checked our passports and found my sisters' passport was expired, so my dad, mom, my sister and I stayed and my brothers went to Paris. But we catch up them later :)

    In another trip to Malaya, my family and my aunt family we traveled together. We have already had agreement with Tour Company that they will pick us up from the airport to the hotel by particular van because we were 12 persons. When we arrived and we have already taken our baggage and luggage and went to arrival hall looking for the tour guides, we couldn't find them. So we called the tour company they said they will be their but they never show up, so we ordered another two vans, because we were a lot so we cannot take taxis that will need five taxis to take all of us. Because of that we had to wait two hours in the airport waiting for the vans. After we left the airport the tour guides called and they were in the airport waiting for us.

  9. Three year ago me and my cousin needed to go to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia . when we arrived in the airport we had a lot of problems.

    First the plane was deled four hour from nine on the morning until one afternoon. When we check- in the ticket and luggage they checked nine of as but we are 12 and they stop we wait 15 minute after that one of airline staff came and say the plane is full and me and two of my cousins didn't check-in they didn't find set for our. They say well gave you new ticket for tomorrow but we need to go to day. They gave as ticket from Doha to Damam and from Damam to Jeddah and they upgraded our ticket to business class.


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