Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Airport Trip

I'd like to encourage students to share their impressions from yesterday's airport trip. Write about your experience and share your thoughts with the other students in the class.


  1. We went to 6 different places in Doha International airport. We started at the control tower and ended in the arrival hall. We first went to the radar room which was located in the ground floor of the tower. Then went to the last floor where the main control of takeoff and landing is advised. After that we entered the terminal which has 32 check-in desks then to the concourse hall which also have 32 gates. After that we went to the transit hall which is connected with the departure hall (concourse). Then we ended at the arrival hall which has 3 baggage handles.

  2. Yesterday we had a nice trip together with my group. We spent a good time their where, we went to six different places in Doha airport. First we went to the radar doom which I had an interesting information .Also I saw the screen where can see all planes that passing throw Qatar and some arrive there. Then we went to last floor where the control tower and we saw the runway where the planes can take off and land. Also I saw the cargo place and hanger in the other side. After that we went to the entered terminal which has 32 check - in desk , I saw the passenger that put his bags and then get information. After we went to the nice place that I like it is the concourse hall which have 32 gates, we passed from the concourse to the transit hall. Then we went to the last place which was arrival hall which has 3 baggage handle and the nice thing was happen we saw our friends in the arrival hall. Finally I saw some positive things and a lot of negative things. In the arrival hall airport has to make waiting area for the people how are waiting for passengers. Also I saw the place for pray there is no ladies room for pray so they have to link the pray room with the bath room. There are many things that they have to add and change it and I hope to see good facilities for every body. So I wish to improve that in NDIA in the future.

  3. I had a great time yesterday in our trip to the airport. Although that we had to wait for a while and to finish the trip in a short limited time but I still had fun.

    I was interested about the control tower, the radar room and the information that we have got. In the radar room when I saw the screen that shows the airplanes with the number of the flights I was amazed, because when I see the sky it looks clear and seems quit but in fact there are lots of things happening above in the sky.

    When we back again to the terminal I didn't like the attitude of the man who spouse to be our guide he should be friendlier. I didn't like the airport it looks very small and old, in fact I am disappointed and I put all my hopes in the new airport.

  4. Yesterday was the first time I have been to the control tower of Doha airport. The most amazing place was the radar room with many different screens. I couldn’t understand anything from the signs and codes. At the same time I didn’t like this job because it needs focusing all the time you work on. After that, we went to the last floor where the air traffic controllers work. It was nice view as you can see the hall airport from this small tower.
    After walking under the sun we went to the main terminal where were 32 check in desk. And from the terminal to the concourse and duty free shop. We saw in the arrival hall 3 baggage handling and customs desks
    I didn’t like the airport because it's too small and no facilities. I hope that the New Doha International Airport can include more facilities and more comfortable.


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