Thursday, October 28, 2010

Customer Service


Today we write about the importance of good customer service.

A) Answer the questions:

a) what is customer service
b) why is it important in the aviation industry.

Support your answer with examples of airlines that provide superior customer service. Discuss the qualities that a customer service representative must demonstrate when dealing with customers.

B) Discuss 4 rules of good customer service. Write the rules, explain and support them with examples.



  1. A a_A services that provided by the airport and the airline for their customers to exeed their exptation.

  2. The most important thing in the airport is customer service, which is the service that is provided to the customers to exceed their expectations and bring satisfaction to them.

    The airport is a business place and to make the business successful is by having more customers. That is why customer service is important because satisfied customer will bring more customers and talk positively about the airport. Unlike, the dissatisfied customer who can damage the reputation of the airport and talk negatively.

    Some of the rules that make customers service good is by showing respect to the customer and being courteous. In addition if the airport personnel have made a mistake he/she must accept responsibility and apologize. For example, if airport agent didn’t write the information for the ticket correctly he/she must admit their mistake and apologize.

    Finally, the customer service representative must be polite, courteous, reliable and knowledgeable to attract more customers and bring revenue to the customers.

  3. Customer service is provided from an airport to solve any problem that might be faced by the passenger while in the airport to exceed their expectations and bring satisfaction.
    As we know that customer service is the most important in the airport because satisfied customers that talk positively, bring new customer and good reputation. However, dissatisfied that talk negatively, damage reputation and lost customer that lost revenue. For example, Qatar Airways has a good reputation for a good customer service.
    Some rules that has every customer services representative to keep a promise, be polite and courteous , apologies and accept responsibility for your mistake , also deal with problems complaint and professionally.
    Finally, the quality of a good customer service representative is reliable , knowledgeable, courteous and polite: somebody who is friendly and helpful.

  4. Nowadays customer service is the most impotent thing for any business. Customer service is service that are provided to meet customer expectations.
    If you need to be a good customer service you should be polite and helpful when you follow the customer service rules you are many rules.
    The first rule is to keep promise if you say something for customers you should do it and don’t break your promises. Second you should smile to customer and help them . last thing you should be smart professional and courteous. That are some of a good rules to be a good customer service representative.

  5. Customer service is the service provided by the company to the customer in order to meet their requirements.
    Customer service is important because it’s not only of making passengers or customers happy but its about revenue and reputation. If the customer is happy about a company or any other business he will tell the people about it and the people will believe because its based on a personal experience. This is going to give the business a good reputation and will get more customers. But if the opposite happens the business reputation will be damaged.
    There are some rules for excellent and superior customer service such as : Be polite and courteous to show people that you are well mannered.
    Accept responsibilities and apologize: when a mistake occurs and it occurs by u you should admit it and apologize.
    Deal with problems calmly: when a problem happens you should deal with it calmly to avoid frustrating yourself and the person you’re dealing with.
    Answer the phone: people when calling a company don’t like talking to recordings they prefer staff to understand and know what they’re talking ABOUT.

  6. Customer service is services provided to customer to meet their expectations. Customer service is important for every company and it should be good service to keep the reputation of the company good.
    Satisfied customers give the company good reputation and help it to make new customers. Also, the company needs to keep its customers than to try to find new customers.
    Dissatisfied customers can damage reputation of company and losing customers.
    Customer service representatives should be friendly and helpful. There are rules for good customer service. For example, keep a promise, that means don’t make a promise when you know that you can’t keep smiling, accept responsibility if you have made a mistake.

  7. Customers services is a service provided to customers to meet their expectations and brig satisfaction.

    There are many reasons to make the customers happy and to increase the revenue of the company. There are two kinds of customer satisfied and dissatisfied, the first kind they always talk positively and create a very good reputation for the company. On the other hand the second kind the dissatisfied customers can damage the company by creating bad reputation for the company.

    There are some important rules that most customers service representatives need to keep their promise ((never make promise and break it )) to be polite and courteous, to be knowledgeable and the most important one in my opinion is to smile, apologize and accept responsibility.

  8. Customer service is a service that have been provided by the airport or the airlines for the customers to exceed their expectation and bring satisfaction. Some good example for five star customer service is Qatar Airways.

    Customer service is important beacuse when customer use this services and should be satisfied. Satisfied customers will bring more customers because one customer can tell ten and every one of them also can tell ten more.Dissatisfied customers will go and the airlines will lose customer which mean lost revenue.

    My five golden rules for customer service representative first is she\he should be knowledgeable and clear so can the passengers understand them.Second is to keep a promise they made.Third to accept responsibilities and apologize for their mistakes.four not to annoy the customers and frustrate them and finally is to be courteous and polite with good maners.

  9. Customer service is the service provided to customers to meet their expectations and bring satisfaction.
    Customer service is important for making customers happy and satisfied with the experience. Its also about revenue and making money for the business. A satisfied customer will talk positively about the business, it will make a good reputation and bring new customers. But a dissatisfied customer will talk negatively and will damage the reputation of the business then they will lose customers and revenue.

    There are some rules to make customers satisfied: Keep promises, when making promises you should keep them to not upset and frustrate the customer. Treat customers with respect, you have to treat customers with respect so they take a positive idea about the person in front of them. Deal with problems professionally, when you have a problem you have to deal with it professionally so you don’t annoy the people who you are dealing the problem with. Apologize, any time a problem happens you should apologize to the customer because if you don’t the customer will get angry.
    A good customer service representative is reliable, knowledgeable, courteous and polite.


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