Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Airport Layouts


We write today about airport design and how the layout of an airport affects its way of operation and management.
Write about the two operational categories of airport layout and discuss some of their advantages and disadvantages.
Provide some examples.
Write 150 words.



  1. The airport layout affects the mode of operation of an airport, which classified to two types centralized and decentralized. There are many examples for both types.
    First centralized airport, which means an airport has one terminal for processing the passengers and all gates are accessed from this point. For example: Tampa Airport in Florida, Brussels Airport in Belgium and Doha International Airport in Qatar. Centralized airport are more efficient and cost effective, although they may not handle the increase in passenger traffic, passengers can face congestion and long walking distance. That is the reason why some airports had to change to decentralized, like London Heathrow Airport.

    To be continue in next comment below.

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  3. Airports are layed out in two ways centralized and decentralized. Those layouts affect the way of which the airport is operated and managed.

    Older airports were designed as centralized airports, where all passenger process happens in one place (terminal). As it is cost effective. But there are drawbacks such as congestion of the airport, sometimes passengers have to walk for long distances and the building may not handle the increased number of passengers. Doha Airport, Bahrain Airport and Tampa Airport in Florida are examples of centralized airports.

    Most modern and bigger airports are examples of decentralized airports, where each airport has more than one terminal and each terminal has a complete set of passenger processing facilities. These airports can handle substantial numbers of passengers avoiding congestion. JFK Airport in New York is a great example, it has 9 terminals. Dubai Airport is another example with 3 terminals. Walking distances in these airports are usually kept low, but these airports have huge investments.

    Some airports started as centralized and with the increase of passengers numbers they were forced to change to Decentralized. London Heathrow International Airport is one of them.

  4. There are two operational categories of airports: centralized and decentralized airports , and there are many examples of these two types of airport systems in the world today.

    Most older airports were designed using the centralized model up to 1960's. With smaller numbers of passengers so, it was more efficient to do all of passengers processing in one terminal . Also it was more cost effective. Also there are some disadvantages in this kind of airport may not handle the increased passenger traffic. Today there are still airports that use this more centralized system. For example, Doha airport.

    Nowadays, we see a substantial number of passengers . However some airports which began as centralized facilities were forced to built additional terminal. So, this airport actually started out as centralized . Then converted to a more decentralized model with complete set of processing facilities in more than one terminal . Also this airport can handle a substantial number of passenger so, they avoid congestions and walking distances are kept low. However , staff requirements are high they need huge investment. Some good examples of these are Dubai International airport and CDG in Paris.

    Fainlly, there are some airports that actually began as decentralized facilities.Tese airports were originally designed with different terminals, and aech terminal has a compplete set of processing facilities.For example, JFK Airport in New York.

  5. There are two kinds of layout for airports: centralized and decentralized. The centralized airport is an airport which has one terminal where all passengers are processed. This kind of an airport was more used in 1960's because there weren't a huge number of passengers travelling. Some examples of centralized airport are Tampa in Florida and Doha airport. The advantages of this kind of airport are that it is more efficient and more cost effective because all the facilities and services will be in one place. However centralized airports can't be able to handle the increase in traffic of passengers.

    The second kind of airport layout is decentralized airport which has more than one terminal and each terminal has a complete set of processing facilities. This kind of an airport is modern and bigger such as JKF and CDG. The advantages of this kind of an airport are that can handle a substantial numbers of passengers and can handle increase in traffic. Although of these advantages they need a huge investment and the staff requirements are high.

    Finally, there are some airports that started as a centralized airport and because of the traffic passengers they needed to build other new terminal, and become decentralized airports like Madrid Barajas.

  6. Airports have two operational categories: centralized and decentralized, there are many examples of both types of airport systems in the world today.
    Firstly, centralized airport it is an airport with one terminal for passenger processing and all gates can be accessed from this point. Most older airports up to 1960's are centralize. Nowadays we have also some centralized airports for example, Doha International airport, Tampa Airport and Brussels Airport in Belgium. There are many positive and negative effects on centralized airport, one of the positive effect is more efficient and cost-effective and there are many negative effects for example, these airports may not be able to handle increased passenger traffic, congestion and long walking distances.
    Secondly, decentralized airport is an airport with more than one terminal, each one with complete set of processing facilities. Nowadays most of airports are modern, bigger and decentralized airports. For instance , Dubai International Airport and Charles de Gaulle airport in France. As like as centralized airport decentralized airports have some advangeses and disadvanges. Disadvangeses are more than advanges, one of the advangeses is can handle a substantial number of passengers, these airport are built and operated on a human scale, the number of passenger is never uncomfortably high, avoid congestion and walking distance are keep low. However, they need investments and staff requirements are high.
    Finally, there are some airports which began as centralized airports after that these airports changed to decentralized airports. The reason for that is the increase in passenger number. For example, London Heathrow and Madrid Barajas.

  7. Airports around the world have different designs.A centralized airport is an airport with one teminal for passenger processing. A decentralized airport is an airport with more than one teminal for passenger processing.

    By 1960's most airports were using the centralized model. For example, Tampa in Florida and Brussels in Belgium. Doha airport also another example of an airport that is still operating under this model.

    Nowadays, most airports use the decentralized model because of the huge increase passenger numbers. For example, JFK and Dubai airport. Also there are airports that started as centralized, but now changed to decentralized. For example, London Hethrwo and Madrid airport in Spain.

    Centralized airports are more efficient and cost effective. While the decentralized model needs huge investment and staff requirements are high. Some disadvantages for centralized are long walking distances. They can't also handle the increase of passenger traffic.

    On the other hand, the decentralized model has advanteges more than the centralized model. For example, decentralized airport can handle a subatantial number of passengers and it is more comfortable and waiking distances kept low.

  8. Airport layout
    There are two kinds of airports: centralized and decentralized. Some of the airports started as centralized but were forced to change to decentralized for example London Heathrow airport (LHR).
    The centralized airport is an airport that has only one terminal process passenger. All the airport were centralized airport until the early 1960s , for example Tampa airport in Florida and Brussels airport in Belgium. Centralized airport have some advantages and disadvantages, some of the advantage are they are more efficient and cost effective. On the hand they may not be add to the increased passenger traffic and the passengers in some airports have to walk a very long distance to get to their gate.
    The decentralized airport is an airport with more than one terminal for passenger processing. This kind of airport is the solution for the disadvantage of the centralized airport. Almost all big, modern and busiest airport are decentralized airport for example Dubai airport. These airport can handle a substantial number of passenger and avoid congestion at the same time, however that this kind of airport needs a very big investment and huge number of staff.

  9. The are two main types of airports today: centralized & decentralized.

    By 1960's most airports were centralized. For example: Tampa Airport (TA) in Florida, Brussels Airport(BA) in Belgium & other. Airports are more efficient for passenger's to process in one place & more cast effective. However, they can't handle a substantial increase passenger numbers. Some airport had difficulties with the passenger's traffic. So some airport started as centralized but they were forced to change to decentralized. For example London Heathrow Airport(LHA), Madrid Barajas Airport(MBA) & Johannesburg Airport were centralized facilities and now they are decentralized.

    Finally, there some airport that started as decentralized. For example: Dallas-Fort Worth Airport(DFWA) in the US, Toronto Airport(TA) in Canada, JFK Airport & other. These airports were designed with different terminals & there terminals have a complete set of processing facilities. They could handle a substantial number of passengers & are built on a human scale so the passenger numbers never get uncomfortably high & there waking distances are kept low.


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