Monday, October 11, 2010

Airport Layout

Today's lesson is about airport design. Take a moment to look at the diagram below.

A) What kind of design is represented on the diagram. Summarise the facilities you see and write a short text of 50 words. Right click on the diagram to enlarge it, if you need.

B) Check out the website of Narita Airport in Tokyo, Japan:
Find a map of the airport and describe the design and its mode of operation in 30-50 words.

C) Check out and check the design of the airports that are listed. Make some comments about the most common mode of operation of airports today.

Kind regards,


  1. The diagram shows a centrelised airport. its centrelised because it has only one terminal where all passenger proccess happens there.The terminal has 3 concourse halls, 5 runways where 2 are parallel. we could also see the facilities fuel storage, aircraft maintenance hangar, ground maintenance facilities and air freight.

  2. A- The diagram shows a centralized airport. It includes one terminal and all pasenggers processing done there, they has five runways, three concourse and one Air-freight.

    B- The mape shows decentralized airport. It includes two terminals, two runways, four air-freight area and one control tower.
    One of the runways is 4,000-meter and the another is 2,500-meter.

    c- Most airports are centeralize.

  3. A- The diagrem shows a centralized airport. It includes one terminal and three concourses and all passengers processing happense there. Also it has five runways.
    b- The diagrem shows a decentralized airport. It includes two terminals and two parallel runways. It includes one air traffic control tower and one maintainance area.
    c- Most airports are decentralized.

  4. A_ The diagram shows the design of a centralized airport, it is accessible by roadway and we can see there are five runways. There are many facilities for example, one terminal area with parking garages, fuel storage, air freight, fire station and big aircraft maintenance hangar.
    B_ We can see there are two terminals and two runways one 4000 meter and the other 2500 meter. Thers maintenance area for aircraft repairs and freight area Narita’s air cargo handling facilities. One air traffic control tower.

  5. 2. Narita Airport in Tokyo, Japan is decentrilised airport because it has 2 terminals and 2 parrallel runways1 is 4 km long and the other is 2.5 km long. There is an aircraft maintenance and repair centre and it also has air cargo handling facilities.

    3. Most Airports today are decentrilised . where theyre having more than a terminal. New york Airport has 9 terminals and the others have 3 to 5 terminals.

  6. The diagram shows a centralized airport (it’s an airport that has only one terminal to process passengers) it has five runways tow of them parallel and three concourse and other facilities like fuel storage, aircraft maintenance hangar, ground maintenance facility, air freight, fire station, and parking garages.

    The diagram shows a decentralized airport (it’s an airport has more than one terminal to process passengers) it 2 terminal has 2 runway parallel to each other and a aircraft maintenance and repair center, air traffic control tower

  7. This is a diagram of a centralized airport. It has one Terminal, it the main Terminal and all the gates are accessed from this point. It has access road for the car to come in. It has a large car park for the cars to park there. It has three concourse areas A, B, C. Concourse C is close to the control tower. It has different facility like fire station, fuel storage, aircraft maintenance hanger, air freight and ground maintenance facility. It has a five large runway for the plains to land and to taxi away on the taxi ways.

  8. The diagram shows a centralized airport that main the airport have one terminal to process passenger, it include three concourses and five runways two of them are parallel . And there are deferent facilities like taxi, fuel storage, ground maintenance, aircraft hangar and airfreight.

    The diagram shows a decentralized airport that main the airport have more than one terminal to process passenger, it have two terminal , one air traffic control tower maintenance area , two runways and freight area .

  9. a)This model shows a centralized airport, which has only one main terminal where all passengers processing happens in same terminal. There are 3 concourse areas where passengers can find different facilities for example, duty free shops and more. Also it includes 5 runways. There are taxi ways and parking garages for the passengers. Also there is an aircraft maintenance hangar and there is a fuel storage for the aircraft.

    b)This model shows a decentralized airport, which has 2 terminals where passengers processing happen in more than one terminal. Also has control tower in the middle of the map .There are two parallel runways one in the right and the other in the left. Also there is a freight area.

    c)Nowadays most Airports are decentralized. Where they are more than one terminal, each with a complete set of processing facilities and there are some countries have more than five terminals.

  10. A) It is a centralized airport because there is one terminal in the center of the airport and there is a parking garages front the terminal. Also there are five runways and fuel storage to keep the aircraft fuel in. In additional aircraft maintenance hangar, ground maintenance facility and fire station.

    B) The map shows decentralized airport which has two terminals to process passengers. There is an air traffic control tower in the middle of the terminals. Also two runways one in the left side of the airport and the other one is in the right side of the airport.


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