Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Explaining Security Measures


Today's writing task involves giving short answers that:
1) explain the reason why certain security measures are put in place and
2) reassure passengers that strict security procedure is needed to ensure the safety of all passengers and their luggage.

Write short paragraphs of 30-40 words each to answer the following questions:

1. Why do I need to have my fingerprints taken?

2. Why did the security guard take my bag? I only left it for a moment while I went to ask the check-in attendant a question.

3. Why were the customs officers using dogs? My son is afraid of dogs and he was really scared.

4. I don't understand why I had to go through the metal detector twice and told to remove my shoes and belt before I step through it again. It is so humiliating.

5. I don't understand why my 2-year child was searched thoroughly and his juice was confiscated. My son was very upset. Why do you treat young passengers like that?

Explain the security measure and reassure the passenger that it is in their interest that the airport applies strict security procedure.


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