Thursday, September 23, 2010

What is an airport?


Here is the first writing task for this course. Write your answer to the questions:

What is an airport?
In your opinion, what is the main role of an airport and why?

Write your answer in 80-100 words. Choose your vocabulary carefully and organise in paragraphs.



  1. What is an airport?
    An airport is a place where aircraft land and take off and where passengers and freight are transported from place to another. It has many kinds of facilities for example (restaurant, shopping centers, cafĂ©…) for the passengers comfort.
    The airport has high security to control the movement of the people and the goods. It helps to secure the country and the people. It makes the processing of the passengers and freight efficient.
    The airport makes substantial profit for the its facility and the country.

  2. What is an airport ?
    Airport is a large facility that people and freight are transported from place to another by planes. At least every country in the world has an airport and some country have more than one. Each airport in the world has a coeds for example the coed for Qatar international airport is DOH.
    In my opinion the most important thing that any airport in the world most has a very high security because the airport is the point of entry for the country. On the other hand airport make a lot of money for the country by the shops, restaurant and duty-free.
    There are many kinds of airport for example international, domestic. Some international airline chose an airport as they min hub for example the hub for Qatar airways is the DOH.

  3. What’s an airport? An airport is a large facility for travelling by aircraft where airplanes take off and land. If you need to enter to any country by aircraft you should come to the airport.
    In the airport there must be a high security to secure the airport and for the safety of passengers.
    The government needs to control the movement of goods and people. The airport must have support services and good facilities like duty-free shops and restaurants where passengers can wait for their flight. Every country has an airport and the airport is the hub for the national airline like in Qatar Doha airport (DOH) is the hub for Qatar airways (QR).

    Mohammed K AL-Badr

  4. The airport it is the point of entry in every country and every country has one or more than one airport and airline. Every airport has an area for airplanes or any kind of aircraft where they can land and take off. Every airport and airline in the world has code given by IATA. Airports are important place for transportation. Passengers and goods can travel faster than any kind or transportation. Airports must have high standards of security and they must deal with passengers efficiently. Governments needs to control the movement of goods and people. Nowadays every country has international airport but some of them have different kinds of airport for example, International, Domestic. Airports must have different facilities for instance, restaurants and shops where passengers feel comfortable.

  5. The airport is the important point of entry to any country. It’s responsible for making travelling safe and easy to people and freight. Nowadays every country has its own airport and airline and some country has different kind of airports like, international, domestic and that makes the transportation between countries easier than before when they were travelling by boat and the journey took months. The airport has to include many different facilities to be accepted by IATA, International Air Transport Association and ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization.
    The airport has a lot of different facilities to make passengers more comfortable like restaurants and duty-free shops and coffee shops. One of the important facilities in Doha airport is the control of the movement of goods and people by government.

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  7. What is an airport? An airport is a location where aircraft can take off and land.Facility where passengers and freight are processed and made ready for transport and need to move quickly from place to place.It has large facility and support services for passengers for example , passengers need to eat while they are inn airport, so restaurant provide a support service for them and duty-free shop , quit room and internet access and more.Also security is more important role because airports are like the doorway in and out of country, and nowadays every country needs to be careful and efficient about who and what is coming in and going out with both , passengers and freight.There are many kinds of airport like domestic for people who travel inside country and international some airports have hub for their main airport used to transfer passengers and freight onward to other destination for example Qatar Airways use DOH as its hub.

  8. An airport is a place where aircrafts take off and land. It's a point of entry for passengers and goods to the country. So there must be an interaction between airports by landing aircrafts and transferring passengers and goods.
    In these days most people travel by airplanes unlike the past. In addition of developing the tourism and economic we can see that hundreds of thousands of people in the airports, so it's important to make it a secure place. The government needs to control the movement of goods and passengers and it's very important to inspect cargo and luggage carefully.
    An airport is very important source for governments' income. In it there are many restaurants and duty shops so passengers will eat and buy things, that is making the airport a profitable place


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